Wisdom Teeth Woes: Recognizing Symptoms in Coral Gables, FL

Your wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in your late teens or early twenties. While they don’t cause problems for everyone, for some, they can be a source of discomfort and pain. Common symptoms of problematic wisdom teeth include persistent pain in the back of your mouth, swollen or tender gums, and difficulty opening your mouth. In some cases, you might even notice a foul taste or bad breath. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms in Coral Gables, FL, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Jenny Hernandez at Minty Fresh Dentistry for a professional evaluation.

Ignoring the signs of troublesome wisdom teeth can lead to more significant issues down the road. Impacted wisdom teeth can damage adjacent teeth, cause infections, and lead to the shifting of your other teeth. Dr. Jenny Hernandez, your trusted local dentist in Coral Gables, FL, has the expertise to assess your condition and recommend the most suitable treatment. Remember, early intervention can prevent unnecessary pain and complications. And to make your dental care even more accessible, we offer 0% financing options for your peace of mind.

Minty Fresh Dentistry in Coral Gables, FL, is your go-to destination for all your dental needs, including wisdom teeth evaluation and extraction. Dr. Jenny Hernandez and her experienced team are dedicated to ensuring your dental health and comfort. If you suspect that your wisdom teeth are causing you problems, call us today at (305) 442-6422 to schedule an appointment. Don’t let wisdom teeth woes stand in your way – we’re here to provide expert care with convenient financing options. Your healthy, pain-free smile is just a phone call away!