
Continue to bite down on the gauze for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues,replace the gauze with a new gauze that has been provided to you.

Repeat this every 30 minutes until you are no longer bleeding.

Do not eat or drink hot foods and beverages after surgery. We recommend sticking to room temperature foods.

Avoid eating/drinking anything spicy or anything containing small pieces such as seeds or rice to avoid them from going into the extraction site.

Do not use a straw, smoke, or do anything requiring a sucking motion.

Do not swish or spit.

If you wish to rinse your mouth, feel free to put water in your mouth and gently tilt your head left and right and then let it flow out.

After surgery, place a cold compress on your face near the extraction site for 20 minutes. Remove for 10 minutes. Repeat.

Some bruising, swelling, and pain are normal – particularly if you have had a surgical extraction.

Take your prescribed medication and use a cold compress on your face.


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