Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screening is a preventative treatment. Our dentists will perform an oral examination to look for signs or pre-signs of oral cancer. The objective of conducting oral cancer screening is to identify it at an earlier stage to cure and stop any further spread.


Given here are some of the early signs of oral cancer. If you notice any of these symptoms, do contact us immediately:

  • Sore in lips or mouth that is not healing after a long time.

  • Red or white patch
  • Loose teeth
  • Lump inside the mouth
  • Pain in the oral and ear region
  • Difficulties while swallowing


Whether you’re in need of a second opinion, looking to improve your smile, or trying to rid of some pesky discomfort, we’re here for you. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Interested in booking an appointment?

Kindly give us 24 hours to get back to you!
Once your appointment request is approved we’ll provide you with more details to make your first visit as smooth as possible.