Exploring Bone Grafting Procedures in Coral Gables, FL

If you’re considering dental implants to restore your smile, you may have heard about bone grafting. At Minty Fresh Miami: Dental & Orthodontics, located in Coral Gables, FL, Dr. Jenny Hernandez and her experienced team are here to guide you through the bone grafting process and help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Bone grafting is a common procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery used to restore or augment bone tissue in the jaw. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients who have experienced bone loss due to periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth loss. Let’s explore the procedure and its various types:

Socket Preservation: After a tooth extraction, the empty socket left behind can lead to bone resorption. Socket preservation involves placing a bone graft material into the extraction site to maintain the bone’s volume and density, preserving the area for future dental implants or other restorative treatments.

Sinus Lift: Also known as sinus augmentation, this procedure is performed when the bone in the upper jaw is insufficient to support dental implants in the back of the mouth. During a sinus lift, the sinus membrane is lifted, and bone graft material is placed between the jawbone and the sinus floor to promote new bone growth.

Ridge Augmentation: When the jawbone has experienced significant resorption, resulting in a shallow or uneven ridge, ridge augmentation can be performed to rebuild the bone’s height and width. This enhances the stability and aesthetics of dental implants placed in the area.

Block Grafts: In cases of severe bone loss, a block graft may be necessary. This involves taking a small block of bone from another part of the body, such as the chin or the back of the jaw, and securing it to the deficient area with screws or plates. Over time, the grafted bone integrates with the existing jawbone, providing a stable foundation for dental implants.

Allografts and Xenografts: These types of bone graft materials are derived from human or animal sources, respectively. Allografts are harvested from human donors, processed to remove any cellular material, and sterilized for safe use in patients. Xenografts are sourced from animal bone and undergo similar processing to ensure biocompatibility.

At Minty Fresh Miami, we understand that dental procedures can be a significant investment. That’s why we offer 0% financing options to help make bone grafting and other treatments more affordable for our patients in Coral Gables and beyond.

If you’re considering dental implants or are in need of bone augmentation procedures, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jenny Hernandez at Minty Fresh Miami: Dental & Orthodontics by calling (305) 442-6422. Let us help you restore your smile and regain confidence in your oral health.