Miami Orthodontics

Orthodontic braces help dentists straighten smiles with detailed adjustments. Braces make it possible to improve crooked or crowded teeth and misaligned jaws or malocclusion. Braces are usually given to children and teens, but they can work effectively on adults too. The success of this procedure depends on how carefully you follow all the instructions provided by your dentists.

Are you looking to get braces in Coral Gables, FL? At Minty Fresh Miami, we offer same-day braces for patients or parents not having enough time to book a different appointment to get the braces treatment started. Call us to schedule a complimentary consultation with our dentist to see if braces are the right choice for you.

If you are looking for braces to straighten your teeth, contact Minty Fresh Dental & Orthodontics.

What are the different types of braces?

Our team will analyze your teeth, your lifestyle, and your preferences to help you choose the right braces for you. If you are looking for the braces Miami, here are two types of braces we use at our office:

  • Ceramic braces – These are transparent, tooth-colored brackets and are the more aesthetic option between the two. You can choose between clear or colorful elastics. Call our orthodontist in Miami for a FREE consultation.

  • Traditional metal braces – Traditional braces consist of standard metal brackets. You can choose between colorful elastics or silver elastics if you look for a clean, simple look.


Whether you’re in need of a second opinion, looking to improve your smile, or trying to rid of some pesky discomfort, we’re here for you. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Interested in booking an appointment?

  • Book via our treatments page
  • Call/text 305-442-6422
  • Email

Kindly give us 24 hours to get back to you!
Once your appointment request is approved we’ll provide you with more details to make your first visit as smooth as possible.


Care & Maintenance

Congratulations on getting braces! This is very exciting! From now on you will need to be meticulous with the care and cleaning of your braces to ensure your treatment progresses quickly and smoothly. You may have some tenderness over the next few days. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever (Tylenol). We also recommend a softer diet for the first few days, just while you are getting used to the braces.

Brushing will now be more important than ever. Be sure to concentrate on the area between the braces and the gums. This is where plaque collects and builds up, causing bleeding of the gums and areas of decay if not regularly removed. Place your brush horizontally and brush above and below the braces, angling the bristles up and down to ensure you get right in beneath the wires. It is recommended to floss twice a day. Thread the floss under the wire, pull between the teeth, and move up and down to clean hard to reach areas. Superfloss and floss threaders can help make it easier to floss with braces. Brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes after each main meal and a quick brush after every snack. This means taking your tooth brush to work or school and brushing after lunch.

Hard foods should be eaten with great care as they will damage and break the appliances. If you have foods such as raw carrot, apples, tough meat, or hard bread, cut these into small pieces and chew on your back teeth. We recommend you stay away from wings (try boneless), hard candies, and chewing ice as these are known to commonly break the brackets. In general keep objects such as pencils, pens, and fingernails out of the mouth. Do not fiddle with the braces.

Should you suffer from any mouth ulcers or have any sharp bits digging into lips or cheeks, use the wax provided in your braces pack. Dry the area and break off a small piece of wax and roll between your fingers, then press the wax ball onto the bracket that is bothering you. You can also find braces wax at your local Walgreens, CVS, etc. Please take care of your braces. Continuously broken brackets will mean that your treatment may take longer than anticipated. With your cooperation, we will achieve the best result possible. Be sure to come to your monthly adjustments and arrive on time to appointments to ensure there is no delay with your treatment. We’re so excited for you to be starting this journey with us! Remember we are always here for any questions, comments, or concerns

Miami Orthodontist Tips

Loose Bracket or Band
If your bracket is still attached to the wire, leave it in place and place wax on it.

Poking Wire or Elastic Hook
Use a Q-tip or pencil eraser to push the wire flat against the tooth.
If still bothersome, use wax on the offending wire.

Archwire Out of Back Bracket
Use a tweezer to place wire back through the tube.
If frequently occurs, cut wire with a fingernail clipper behind the last tooth to which it is securely attached. If discomfort continues, place wax on it.

Coil Spring Off
Save spring and inform your dentist. We will let you know if you need to be seen sooner or if the spring can be reinserted at the next regular visit.

Door of the Bracket Open
Push wire into the slot and push the door closed with your finger.

Mouth Sores
The lips, cheeks and tongue may become irritated for one or two weeks as they toughen and become accustomed to the surface of the braces.
Apply a small amount of Oragel
Use a salt water rinse.

Discomfort and General Soreness
This is normal 3-5 days after braces are adjusted.
Teeth may be tender to biting pressures.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever (tylenol).
Eat soft foods.
Rinse mouth with cold water or eat cold food (ice cream, popsicles).

Why do Braces take time?

Orthodontic treatment i s a dynamic process . It requires a few different steps , which need to be performed in succession. Earlier straightening uses thinner arch wires , which become thicker as treatment continues . Early wires rotate teeth, with later wires accomplishing subtle changes to the occlusion/bi te. Every aspect i s necessary for superb results . You ( the patient ) are the most variable aspect that affect s your treatment time. Your dentist may have the perfect diagnosis and treatment plan, but they cannot succeed without your cooperation.

Some things you might be doing to sabotage your own treatment time include:

  • Missing, changing, or spreading out your appointments , so the technicians do not have sufficient time to perform all planned procedures

  • Not getting other necessary procedures done in a timely manner ( surgeries , extractions , restorative, etc.)
  • Breaking or bending your wires or brackets between visits
  • Not following instructions regarding rubber bands , aligners , and oral hygiene (including frequent cleanings ).

Doing your part will not only help keep your treatment on schedule, it will give you the best final results too.

Even if your dentistist i s brilliant and you are the most compliant patient in hi s tory, there is still one other factor that neither of you can control. That factor i s your biological response. Teeth are moved into new positions through a process called bone remodeling. The arch wires that fit through brackets gently push the teeth into new positions . With that pressure in place, old bone resorbs as new bone tissue i s formed. The removal of old tissue allows the teeth to move, while the formation of new tissue solidifies their new positions . And after straightening i s complete, i t takes up to 10 months for the new bone growth to solidify. When you consider all that your dentist is doing, i t ’ s actually amazing that braces don’ t take longer! Estimates of treatment time are based upon the complexity of the problem and the normal response of teeth to typical orthodontic forces . In some patients the teeth move faster than normal. In others they move slower.

The take home message is that even if you and your dentist are both vigilant in your roles , you’ll still need your teeth & bone to cooperate to get it done on time.